Sunday, 22 December 2013

Selena Gomez : Young and talented

Who doesn't know Selena Gomez? She is so talented, young and famous! Based on those picture, we really sure that she loves her leather bag. Now you can have a leather bag like hers. Let us introduce our new product : SUNSHINE SLING 229!

IDR 249,900

Order Here : Misyelle Store

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Selamat Hari Belanja Online Nasional!

Hai sista, untuk menyambut hari belanja online nasional, yuk buruan belanja ke website misyelle! Karena sampai dengan tanggal 18 Desember 2013 Misyelle memberikan diskon 20% OFF ALL ITEMS untuk semua barang dengan harga normal.
Kamu bisa akses halaman order untuk mengorder produk - produk Misyelle. So tunggu apalagi sista? Buruan di order sebelum kehabisan ya!

Happy shopping!



Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

DIY Tutorial : Ombre Shorts

Ombre shorts are in! Don't rashly buying it, because yes, making it yourself is that simple.
What Misyellovers need :

  • 2 spray bottles
  • Fabric bleaching
  • Water
  • Shorts

How to get ombre shorts :
1. Gently mist the entire back and front of your shorts with water
2. Spray another layer this  time with fabric bleaching concentrating on the bottom half

3. Spray another layer focusing on the bottom 1/4 of the shorts

4. Let dry around 12 hours before washing
And viola! You have ombre shorts now.

So easy, isn't it? Let's try it and make your old shorts looks new with ombre style.

Friday, 15 November 2013


Mau punya penghasilan tambahan tanpa modal? Yuk daftar jadi RESELLER Misyelle! Selain dapat harga yang lebih murah, Misyellovers juga ga perlu keluar modal sama sekali, karena TIDAK ADA MINIMUM PEMBELIAN. Barang - barang yang dijual semua READY STOK dan siap kirim. So, tunggu apalagi? Yuk buruan daftar. For further information, just contact our email :

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Misyelle's New Arrivals

Ladies, please welcome our new arrivals! Flats, boots, satchels and backpacks, they're all ready for you. So, what're you waiting for? Just order by SMS :  087 789 789 078 OR add our BB pin 325E8007 / 322504F4. For further information, you can contact us by email at
Have a nice shopping, girls!

Monday, 28 October 2013

Dress like Taylor Swift

Are you one of Taylor Swift's die hard fans? Now Misyelle gives you some ideas for being like her from head to toe, so dress it up girls!

Friday, 16 August 2013

A story from Ribka about Misyelle


Gue mau cerita kejadian kocak yang berlangsung kemaren, tanggal 17 Juni di BIP.

Jadi gini ceritanya. Kemaren tuh Toya sama Triana kan belanja gitu ya di Misyelle BIP di lantai bawah, soalnya lagi ada kayak tempat khusus gitu deh. Ga tau kenapa, padahal juga di atas ada tokonya Misyelle. Awalnya mereka sih ga niat buat belanja *katanya* soalnya ga ada uang dan segala macem, tapi yah gimana ya? Kan godaan Misyelle tuh luar biasa banget. Mana tas nya lucu-lucu gila. Gue aja kalo ga inget udah punya kebanyakan tas dan sepatu, pasti deh bakal gue embat juga itu hahhahaha :)) Tapi untungnya sih gue masih bisa menahan diri. Sementara Triana sama Toya gabisa, dan akhirnya masing masing beli 1 tas. Lucu lucu banget tasnyaaaaaaa *ekspresi pengen gila*
Nah, kemaren di bawah itu, sekalian bisa bikin member card Misyelle gitu kalo belanja, atau kalau mau bikin member nya aja, bisa tapi bayar 100 ribu, dan ntar dapat hadiah tote bag gitu. Nah, trus si Toya sama Triana akhirnya bikin deh. Triana sih awalnya masih galau mau bikin apa enggak, soalnya katanya dia ga bakal dipake juga. Gue bilang, yaudah sih biarin aja, lagian kan ga ada ruginya juga kalo bikin, ga ada keluar biaya lagi, secara dia udah belanja. Trus juga, ntar dia kan bisa dapet diskon gitu.
Nah, akhirnya Triana sama Toya dua duanya bikin member card Misyelle, sementara gue dan Tri posa akhirnya cuma nungguin. Ah sumpah itu godaan yang sangat besar buat gue untuk nahan diri dan ga belanja yang aneh-aneh. beneran deh, untung gue ga kalap kemaren.
Dan karena mereka agak lama, tiba-tiba ada bule ibu-ibu gitu dateng, lewat pas depan gue yang masih mandang-mandangin satu tas Misyelle model satchel-post man bag gitu. Gue sih sebenernya udah ngeliatin itu bule dari waktu mereka di eskalator turun, dan itu ibu-ibu bule pas mau ke Misyelle langsung ninggalin suaminya, dan walk straight ke bagian tote bag dipajang. Itu lho, tote bag hadiah kalo lo jadi member gitu.
Dan jeng jeeeng jeeeeeeeeeeng, dia pengen beli tote bag nya doang. Dan si mbak mbak Misyelle nya ga ngerti dooong dia ngomong apa. Akhirnya, majulah gue dengan gagah beraninya. Demikian percakapan gue dengan si bule :
B (bule) : *ngeliatin gue penuh harap*
G (gue) :  yes?
B : I want this *sambil ngangkat satu tote bag yang motif polkadot*
G : mbak, itu dijual ga sih? *nanya ke mbak Misyelle*
M (mbak) : aduh enggak, cuma boleh kalo dia bikin member
G : It's not for sale actually
T (triana) : You should make a member card
B : But I don't have account
G : gue rasa ini bule salah nangkep kata kata gue kali ya? Maksud gue dia harus bikin, dia pikir dia harus punya
M : ya mending kartu membernya ntar buat saya aja atuh
K (kasir) : buat saya aja laaaah
G : *dalem hati* mending buat gue lah! Gue yang bantuin ini!
B : but I want this
G : *dalam hati* set dah! Ini bule udah emak-emak tapi kayak anak-anak aja rewel
T : yah, but you may buy one of this bag, then you can get that
B : can I buy this one only?
G : *nanya ke mbak nya* boleh ga Mbak beli tas nya aja?
M : bikin member paling teh, bayar 100 ribu
G : oyeah, you can buy it but you should pay 100 thousand rupiah
B : one hundred thousands?
T : rupiah, yeah
B : okaaaay
G : weees, yaudah Mbak, member nya buat saya aja *anjir licik gila*
B : oh, what happen?
*ternyata kancingan tas nya macet gitu. Setelah diteliti dan di cek mbaknya, dia yang salah hahahaha *
G : do you want this or the new one?
B : yeah, new would be okay
*trus mbak nya ngambil yang baru, trus ngasi ke kasir. Akhirnya gue ngobrol sama bule nya. Sok sok asik aja gitu, biar keliatan jago*
G : So, where do you come from? *asli standar banget!*
B : France. I will go to Jakarta tomorrow to have flight back to France
G: *sok cool* ooh yeah, France? aaaawww. And how long have you been here?
B : Bandung or Java?
G : Java?
B : Yeah, I've been here for 4 weeks, in Java with my husband for vacation
G : *masih sok asik* wooow cool, and you will back tomorrow?
B : yeah. oh, here you go *ngasi uang 100 ribu ke mbak mbak nya*
M : jadi membernya buat teteh aja nanti?
G : ooh iya mbak sip!
B : I should find my husband, he was here
G : Yeah, I saw him somewhere when you come *yaaaah, ketauan kan gue udah ngeliatin dia terus dari tadi*
trus si bule nge lambai-lambai, trus suaminya dateng. Ah gila, cowok Peranciiiiiiis
B : *ngomong bahasa Perancis sama suaminya, gue makin mupeng*
BC ( bule cowok) : jakhdemlgdo yisudoiahdgfuiekjskbdas *kayaknya sih artinya, yaudah masukin tas nya ke pelastik itu*
B : *masukin tasnya ke pelastik trus ngeliat gue sama yang lain*
M : ini mbak buat membernya
G : *langsung nyimpen, siapa tau bule nya cukup ngerti bahasa Indonesia*
B : okay then * trus jalan ke luar gitu sama suaminya, trus berenti, sedikit bingung*
G + yg lain : byeeee, take care
B + BC : byeee, thank you

Dan begitu itu bule cabut, gue langsung sibuk ngisi form buat member. Thank you? Buset dia kagak tau kan gue yang harusnya bilang thank you dapet member Misyelle gratis hahhahahaha :))

Pas gue lagi nulis, gue langsung inget sesuatu. Yaaaah, dongo banget, kenapa tadi gue ga nanya ya dia punya anak apa kagak? Kayaknya tajir tuh, kan bisa liburan ke Indonesia keliling Jawa selama 4 minggu, gokil gila! Dan secara cita-cita gue emang dapet bule Perancis, tadi sih peluang gue bisa kebuka cukup lebar. Ah bego!
Trus tiba-tiba Triana ngomong pas gue sibuk ngisiin form member
T : tiba tiba kan bik, ada lah kamera disana sini, dan lo baru ketahuan berbohong
G : hahahahha :)) iya, gue masuk TV gitu dan dinyatakan tidak jujur!
T : itu kameranya disana Mbak *sambil megang jam tangan Toya*
G : dadah dadaaah dulu aaah sama mama di rumah. Hallo mamaaaaaa
P (posa) : aaah norak kau! Isi lah itu
Gue cuma ketawa-ketawa aja, sambil mikir "eh iya jangan jangan ntar gue ketangkep apa gimana nih di luar. Mana gue pulang sendirian ya kan? Mereka bertiga kan pada mau ke Panti Asuhan. Ah dongo banget!

Pas pulang, gue malah jadi serem sendiri. Gue liat-liatin belakang gue, jadi serba waspada, apalagi pas mau naik angkot. Tapi yah tetep yaaa, gue ga lupa update twitter gue dan bilang : "sumpah ini kejadian paling kocak sepanjang hidup gue"
Tapi yaaah, tetep gue jadi punya banyak ide berenang-renang di kepala gue. Gimana kalau mereka itu agen intel yang mau cari orang baru? Dan tadi tuh lagi percobaan nge test bahasa inggris. Atau, mereka emang udah milih gue gitu, jadi gue emang udah dicalonkan jadi Intel atau agen khusus atau apalah gitu, trus mereka mau memonitori gue. Dan gimana kalau tadi mereka ngeletakin sesuatu di tas gue? Mengingat tadi gue deket banget sama si bule
Pas ide itu nyampe di otak gue, tiba-tiba aja gue langsung ngecekin isi tas gue. Well, untunglah ga ada yang aneh. Tapi kan bisa ajaaaaaaa

Okaaay, gue mulai aneh lagi. Ini kayaknya gue lagi mabok janda  lagi eh pokoknya gitu lah. Aaaaah, salah banget emang kalo imajinasi suka kelewat tinggi -____________-"

Oh iya, ini foto gue dan kartu member Misyelle gue yang baru, yang gue dapet tanpa biaya apa-apa kecuali sedikit kemampuan bisa cas cis cus bahasa inggris hhehehe

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Summer time with Misyelle!

Tidak terasa bulan liburan sudah datang..Apa rencana kalian untuk mengisi liburan tahun ini para Misyelle lovers ?? Pantai tentunya dapat menjadi salah satu tujuan menarik bagi para Misyelle lovers..Sebelum itu mari berkunjung ke Misyelle Store karena Misyelle memiliki koleksi terbaru untuk menemani gaya liburan para Misyelle lovers dengan tas tote trendy dan flat shoes yang akan membuat liburan kalian menjadi lebih trendy dan menyenangkan...

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Paris Hilton Celebrity,Model and Success!

Kali ini Misyelle akan membahas wanita cantik yang menjadi selebriti, wanita pebisnis, designer,model,sekaligus penyanyi Paris Hilton sebagai inspirasi untuk kita semua Misyelle lovers. Namanya tidak hanya terkenal sebagai penyanyi tetapi dia juga sukses sebagai designer tas dan dompet yang baru saja diluncurkan baru-baru ini...
Paris Hilton memiliki rencana baru untuk memperluas brand-nya, dan menunjukkan dia bukan anak manja, dan Kolombia tampaknya menjadi langkah besar berikutnya nya.
Sosialita menuju ke negara Amerika Selatan di mana pada hari Rabu ia membuka toko ke-44 nya, Paris Hilton Handbags & Accessories di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di Bogota.
Model ini juga berpartisipasi dalam fashion show menghadirkan koleksinya tas untuk Spring / Summer, di mana dia mengenakan gaun hitam dan putih yang panjang, sementara juga menunjukkan salah satu potongan nya.

"Saya seorang wanita bisnis dan saya kreatif. Saya memiliki 17 baris produk seperti tas, pakaian, kacamata hitam, sepatu, dan toko-toko di seluruh dunia," tambahnya. "Karena saya berasal dari keluarga seperti saya, banyak orang menganggap aku manja. Tapi itu sebenarnya sebaliknya. Karena di usia 15, saya bekerja menjadi model dan saya memiliki merek sendiri. ini adalah sesuatu yang saya telah kerjakan dan saya ciptakan sendiri,dan orang tua saya tidak memberikan kepada saya. "
Di Twitter dia juga mengungkapkan betapa bersyukurnya dia untuk fans Kolombia nya.

Wow hebat sekali bukan?Misyelle lovers 

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Celeb style time,Misyelle have it!

Hellooo Misyelle lovers...Nama Nicky Hilton dan Miranda Keer sudah tidak asing lagi kita dengar di telinga kita,yuuup...kali ini Misyelle memilih style mereka sebagai panutan gaya bagi para Misyelle lovers yang ingin bergaya ala selebriti dan model dunia seperti mereka,karena Misyelle Store mempunyai koleksi yang sangat trendy agar para Misyelle lovers dapat selalu tampil gaya.Jadi tunggu apalagi para Misyelle lovers kunjungi Misyelle Store sekarang sebelum kehabisan!!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Misyelle tips : Upgrade your sneaker with stud !

Sometimes you may feel bored with simple sneakers shoes that you have,now try this to your shoes to make your own cool shoes Misyelle lovers! 

Start by squeezing a small amount of E6000 into a disposable container or onto a wooden popsicle stick. Dispensing a small amount at a time prevents the glue from drying too quickly. Using the tip of a toothpick, apply a small dollop of glue onto the back of a spike.

 Press the spike into the sneaker, holding it in place for a few seconds

 Continue adding spikes along the shoe’s baseline and working upwards in horizontal lines.

 Glue spikes onto the heel cap, again working horizontally.

Allow the shoes to dry overnight before wearing them!

We loved these brushed twill pastel sneakers so much that Vans has offered to give away a pair, of any color choice, to two lucky readers. Simply leave a comment below, check out Vans on Twitter and Facebook, and a winner will be selected at random on Thursday, May 17th. (Sorry, limited to US residents only. Sizes and color subject to availability. Good luck!

all Misyelle lovers need:

So easy right  Misyelle lovers?Let's try it and make your shoes more trendy and fashionable.
inspired by:

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Misyelle Wish list...!

I never get tired of doing windows shopping or online shopping, because it was like a regular hobby, very inspiring and also make us know the trend is ongoing at this time, as well as refreshment when we get bored.And this all things that stole my attention and that must be included as wishlist.

1.Jungle print neck scarf (Stradivarius) 2.Crystal Embellished transparent (Mango) 3.Sleeveless dress with crossover back (Zara) 4.Rich girl white watch (Juicycouture)  5.Patent strappy sandals (Mango)  
6.Two-tone cuffs (Mango)  7.Flower Jacquard top (Zara)  8.Vinyl city bag (Stradivarius) 9.Short with side embroidery (Zara)

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Misyelle likes studed bags and shoes


 Hello Misyelle lovers how about your day?Spring is coming to a close, what do you plan to fill the end of this spring Misyelle lovers? Been unthinkable to add a collection of color in your daily life? Pastel remains a favorite color in the spring and no less interesting now appeared studded with pastel colorsMisyelle has a diverse collection to add to your studded collection,let's check new arrival from Misyelle , Misyelle lovers!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

New trend : Get Blooming and more Floral!

From pastel we switched to a more cheerful color to add to the cheerful in the summer, the designers created a print flowers for the theme of this summer and some celebrities have started wearing something floral on their everyday style.From Selena Gomez, Rihanna, and Carly Rae Jepsen has their own style to mix and match the floral pants from casual style to feminine style, Ready to mix and match your own style Misyelle lovers with floral things on your style? Choose the style that make you comfortable and blooming !

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

It's NEW!! From Misyelle for u!

Hello Misyelle lovers! are you ready for new shoes in your collection?Now Misyelle Store have a new flatform shoes collection for Misyelle lovers , from ballerina flatform shoes and smocking slipper flatform shoes is ready now at Misyelle Store. Let's come and choose Arisca weds, Swarkof weds, Artell moss be the one of your collection from Misyelle Store before sold out guys!

Friday, 24 May 2013

It's Unique, Comfortable.It's Flatforms!

Apparently the celebrity world not only like to wear sneakers to accompany their daily lives but flatforms trend had already started a everyday shoe for them, not only to the unique shape but this shoe seems to provide a sense of comfort and trendy for them and Misyelle have flatforms shoes to make Misyelle lovers  get trendy and comfortable like your favorite celebrity...Check new arrival from now before sold out Misyelle lovers!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Flatforms are coming!

 Did you know?

Platform shoes enjoyed some popularity in the United States, Europe and the UK from the 1930s to the 1950s, but not nearly to the extent of their popularity from the 1960s to the 1980s. The biggest, and most prolonged, platform shoe fad in history began as early as 1967 (appearing in both advertisements and articles in 1970 issues of Seventeen magazine), and continued through to 1979 in Europe and Britain. The fad lasted even further in the US, lasting until as late as the early 1980s. At the beginning of the fad, they were worn primarily by young women in their teens and twenties, and occasionally by younger girls, older women, and (particularly during the disco era) by young men.Although platform shoes did provide added height without the discomfort of spike heels, they seem to have been worn primarily for the sake of attracting attention.[citation needed] Many glam rock musicians wore platform shoes as part of their act.

So what you waiting for put this trendy shoes on your list?Misyelle have the new collection to make our day more stylist with flatforms shoes!


Thursday, 11 April 2013

New trend new wishlist!

Long Strapless Dress and Oversized Waistcoat,Calf Skin Messanger Bag by Zara ,Skyline Watch,Kaleidoscope Stripe Ipad Folio,Flats Mini Necklace by Kate Spade,Color Blocked Wedge Sandals by Forever21 ,Leather Watch By  Nastygal

Color block,neon,and pastel that's all the colors that i've looked at all store, so colorfull and so chic.So this cool item that we must have when summer is coming!Are you ready misyelle Lovers??

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Misyelle Time to Mix and Match Colour

Summer is coming!Color blocking is too popular a trend to relinquish just yet, but we can planning what we want to wear to make our day more bright when summer is coming!Try to mix and match color make it simple with color that you love but make a bit groovy, but sophisticated. And never psychedelic.
Misyelle will make you to get trendy,chic,and groovy with the new arrival color block Misyelle bag and more new collection at Misyelle store! stay tuned girls!

1. Duncan sling bag by Misyelle .See Misyelle Sling Bag Album
2. Clutch by topshop
3. Colorblock shoes by nastygals
4. Sailora Oxford by Misyelle. See Misyelle Oxford Shoes Album
5. Angkle boots by topshop
6. Orsone tote bag by Misyelle. See Misyelle Tote Bag Album

Thursday, 4 April 2013

New Misyelle Collection in store now !

Hello Misyelle Lovers!Ready for new color block shoes?and new color block bags in your room?
because now Misyelle coming with the new collection on color block for your spring day!
Yellow,red,blue,chocolate and many more,choose your favorite color to complete your style everyday!so what you waiting for Misyelle lovers ?? Let's come and shopping to Misyelle store before all this gorgeous things are sold out...Happy shopping Misyelle lovers :)

Monday, 1 April 2013

White are hot now!

White are hot now!After color block now white are in for this summer'13.Clean cut,and simple stars are working all-white looks for maximum impact.
Miranda Keer made her looks perfect with her off-duty style, ELLE coverstar Rihanna  wear her white hot cutaway Alexander Wang number on the stage and Elle Fanning  looks so gorgeous in A line white dress.
Have you already put this hot color on your shopping list for Summer Misyelle lovers? Try to mix and match this hot color with the new Spring Summer collection from Misyelle Store.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Beyoncé for H&M summer collection!!

Beyoncé’s collaboration with H&M has been confirmed by the label – and here is a hot-off-the-press look at the campaign.
Bey has linked up with the high street giant as the face of its summer collection. The sultry shots were taken in Nassau in the Bahamas by photographers Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.
One of Beyoncé’s dancers who was present on the shoot, Kimberly Gipson, hinted at the partnership in January, tweeting, ‘first day of trial in the Bahamas! H&M all set .  .  . go’ beside a picture of the bikini-clad singer.
The headline concept is ‘Beyoncé as Mrs. Carter in H&M’ which, the label notes, underlines ‘the idea that all women can be all things: strong, vulnerable, sensual, maternal, fun, flirtatious’.
‘I’ve always liked H&M’s focus on fun and affordable fashion. I really loved the concept we collaborated on to explore the different emotions of women represented by the four elements – fire, water, earth and wind,’ explains Beyoncé. ‘It was a beautiful shoot on a tropical island. It felt more like making a video than a commercial.’
Of the pieces featured, Ann-Sofie Johansson, H&M’s Head of Design, says: ‘There’s the perfect bodycon dress, as well as a flowing sun dress that makes a real statement. And of course there are the bikinis, especially the fringed bikini. What makes these pieces even more special is that Beyoncé herself had input into the design, and they are full of her own personal style.’
Look out also for the TV commercial, which was shot by Jonas Åkerlund and features a new song, Standing On The Sun, by the lady herself.

So inspiring right? Misyelle lovers..

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Carly Rae Jepsen for Kohl's

Multi talented,Smart and Beautiful

 Carly Rae Jepsen, 27-year-old singer is not only a success in the music world but the multi-talented singer has just become the brand ambassador for the brand Kohl's, not just being a brand ambassador but he also became a photographer in her own firstphoto shoot for the new spring 2013 Candie's campaign .Carly stated, “I feel very honored to be the next Candie's girl. It’s a dream come true to be in the company of such amazing women! The photo-shoot was really fun because it was so different- I’m actually the photographer as well and can’t wait to share it with my fans!” Well, we can’t wait for the big debut in March! Back in the beginning of 2012, Lea said, “Candie's is such an iconic brand and I am so happy to be working with them.”
So inspiring Carly!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Behind the scene Misyelle photoshoot

Misyelle not only always give the new collections but also Misyelle have surprise are being prepared by Misyelle for Misyelle lovers...Last month Misyelle held photo session for Misyelle project,located in Braga street with the hot sun and Hartwood Cafe photo session went very fun and very smoothly,and here are some behind the scenes of Misyelle photo session...Check this out girls.. :)

It was fun can work together with Naomi Lee as a model for Misyelle ..Really...she's so nice,cool and friendly and also beautiful person.

And tadaaaa...This is the team that made Misyelle photo session run smothly..Thanks to Naomi Lee as a model, Deny Setiawan as a photographer ,Gynna as a MUA, Sylvia as a fashion stylist, Harry Danubrata as a web designer and Gredy who had taken this behind the scene..also Naomi Lee mom.

Stay tuned Misyelle lovers for the next collection and surprise from Misyelle!! :)

Sunday, 17 February 2013

What we want??


When spring comes new trend show up and new desire is coming it's always fun doing
windows shopping or online shopping and this is all stuff that makes me interested to have it all.How about you girls?