Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Travel OOTD

IG : misyellelovers
FB : misyelle store
BBM Pin : 322504F4

Misyelle Jella Draw

Jella Draw

Tas drawstring dengan desain simpel. Memiliki tali panjang yang dapat diadjust dan dilepas. Pada bagian dalam terdapat 2 kantong untuk tempat handphone dan 1 kantong beretsleting tambahan. Tersedia dalam 3 warna black,blue, dan cofee

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year 2017 for all Misyellelovers!

IG : misyellelovers
FB : misyelle store
BBM Pin : 322504F4

Friday, 27 January 2017

8 Pairs of Jeans to Freshen Up Your Wardrobe This Month

We know that jeans are forever and they will never go out of style. But if you have a couple of pairs that have been on rotation for far too long that you feel like you already need an alternative, then it’s time to get some shopping done. It’s the new year anyway, which is a perfect excuse to spare a few bucks to freshen up your closet!
For a quick trend report, raw-hem jeans are still big right now which you can cop in a relaxed silhouette or a skinny fit. Embroidered denim is trending as well, be it a floral design or stitched text. We also suggest that you invest in vintage-inspired pairs which are totally versatile and can be easily styled with a fashion-forward appeal.
Find your next go-to pair of jeans in our selection below!
H&M Vintage High Cropped Jeans, P1,990, hm.com
H&M Slim Metallic-Print Jeans, P2,290, hm.com
Bershka High Waist Jeans with Frills, P1,995, bershka.com
Zara Mid Rise Embroidered Skinny Jeans, P2,295, zara.com
Mango Flared Twotones Jeans, P2,995, mango.com
Zara High-Waist Jeans, P2,295, zara.com
Pull & Bear Ripped Mom Fit Jeans, P1,995, pullandbear.com
Stradivarius High Waist Jeans, P1,790, stradivarius.com


Wednesday, 25 January 2017


neon soles shoes diy- paint leather
I was inspired by this photo of a neon pink and yellow soled shoe I “pinned” a few weeks ago but because it was uploaded without a URL, I hadn’t a clue who it was by or where I could buy it. After a bit of research, I think it was originally available at Topshop but was sold out by the time I discovered it. Which leads me to this: Please, when using Pinterest, if you upload your own photo, go back in and edit it to add the original link. Not only because it’s the right thing to do when uploading images that do not belong to you, but also, in this case, for shopping purposes 😉 But regardless, it inspired this DIY…
I spread this project out over a number of days so as not to rush it and while you can use a hair dryer to speed the drying process, I found it was just as easy to add a new coat the following day and then another the day after that. *SAFETY TIP: Make sure if you’re using toxic paints to work in a properly vented area.
Neon Shoes DIY - how to paint leather shoes

* Shoes in a near natural/raw leather state sans major finishes. Mine are Pour La Victoire sandals… seen here
* Rubbing alcohol, a cloth, q-tips.
* Nail polishes, including white. *NOTE: You may also use acrylic paints or Acrylic Leather Paint. I chose nail polish because of its high gloss finish and because it was easy to come by. I chose Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear polishes because of their consistency and thickness. Top coat is optional {I actually didn’t use one but am curious to see how they “scuff” without it – Also, my colors aren’t as “neon” as my inspiration}.
* Nail polish remover and a fine or thin/angled paintbrush.
* Paint brushes {you may choose to just use the brushes that come in the nail polish bottles, which ended up being a better choice than the synthetic brushes because the nail polish brushes left less brush marks and applied thicker coats}.
* Drying racks… I used a candlestick and a paper towel dispenser.
* Hair dryer is optional, speeds up the drying process.
* Painter’s tape.

Neon Shoes DIY  -  paint leather shoes 1

* Using your painter’s tape, tape off all areas of your shoe that you don’t wish to paint.

Neon Shoes DIY  -  paint leather shoes  2

* Using rubbing alcohol {in a vented area} treat all the areas of the shoes you’re going to paint by simply taking a cotton swab doused in alcohol and rubbing it on. Use a rag or washcloth for the larger areas, like the sole.

Neon Shoes DIY -  paint leather shoes 4

* Begin with your white paint, and as a primer of sorts, cover all areas that are to be painted with a coat or two of white. I used the larger/synthetic brushes for this step, especially for the the soles and heels.

Neon Shoes DIY  -  paint leather shoes 5

* Let you primer dry over night.

Neon Shoes DIY - paint leather shoes 6

* Begin painting on your bright neon colors. I painted the soles first then proceeded to do all the yellow areas. Use your lightest color first. You can easily paint over any mess ups with your darker color.

Neon Shoes DIY - paint leather shoes 7

* Paint any areas not touching your opposite/wet color, to speed up the process.

Neon Shoes DIY - paint leather shoes 8

* Let your first coats on all areas dry overnight. Once completely dry, cover each area with a second coat {painting in the opposite direction of the last} and let dry. Apply a top coat if you like.

* After all coats of paint are dry, go through with your fine angled paintbrush and using nail polish remover, tidy up any mess-ups. It didn’t affect my leather at all and removed the excess paint quite nicely.

painting shoes - NEON SHOES DIY
Essie’s Lapis of Luxury on my toes *
neon yellow pink  shoes  diy
Neon heels shoes diy - painting shoes
neon and nude-painting leather shoes


Thursday, 19 January 2017

FREE ANGPAO For Misyellelovers!

IG : misyellelovers
FB : misyelle store
BBM Pin : 322504F4

Yumida Ransel

Tas ransel dengan detil retsleting dan rumbai yang unik. Memiliki tali yang dapat diadjust. Pada bagian dalam terdapat 2 kantong untuk tempat handphone dan 1 kantong beretsleting tambahan. Tersedia dalam 2 warna, black, dan navy



Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Misyelle Pink Mini Tote

Jolani Sling IDR 299.900

Tas sling unik dengan detil retsleting di bagian bawah, dapat dikenakan sebagai tas selempang ataupun tas jinjing. Memiliki tali panjang yang dapat dilepas dan diadjust Pada bagian dalam terdapat 2 kantong untuk tempat handphone dan 1 kantong beretsleting tambahan. Tersedia dalam 2 warna black dan pink

Jacklin Sling IDR 289.900

Tas sling dengan tali panjang yang dapat dilepas dan diadjust. Dapat dipakai untuk acara formal maupun non formal. Pada bagian dalam terdapat 2 kantong untuk tempat handphone dan 1 kantong beretsleting tambahan. Tersedia dalam 2 warna black dan pink


Yeriko Sling IDR 279.900

Tas sling dengan desain simple dan flap penutup pada bagian depan. sangat cocok untuk suasana formal maupun non formal. Memiliki tali panjang yang dapat diepas dan diadjust. Pada bagian dalam terdapat 2 kantong untuk tempat handphone dan 1 kantong beretsleting tambahan. Tersedia dalam 2 warna grey dan cream